Friday, 30 September 2011

Health and safety

Before I start filming, there are some health and safety issues which need to be addressed.

1. Hazards- it is important that I consider hazards before I start filming. Hazards include things like stuff that can be tripped over, such as wires on the floor or props that are going to be in the way. Another hazard may be the type of location i use, for example I shouldn't use somewhere that is derelict and dangerous.

2. People who may be harmed include myself and my actors. The actors are particularly at risk as part of their performance involves one of them pretending to hit the other, so I need to prevent that person from getting hit by accident.

3.  One thing I could do to avoid the risk completely is to completely clear the area before I start filming, in order to avoid trips and falls. Another risk is the location, however if I make sure that my environment is safe to film in, by perhaps choosing somewhere indoors which can be checked over easily. I will also make sure my actors stay within a certain area whilst I am filming, to prevent them from trips and falls and accidently getting hit.

4. I will make sure that i do a full risk assesment, by evaluating each risk and informinag both of my actors of the risk, and how high the risk is.

5.I will also ensure to revise me risk assessment and keep referring back to it.

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